
Title: “The Unexpected Fortune of Kokono Kawai”

Once upon a time in the quaint town of Hinamizawa, there lived a retired professional golfer named Kokono Kawai. Known for her tenacity and outstanding skills, Kokono had amassed a fortune during her career as the reigning queen of the championship tournaments.

Despite her incredible success, Kokono maintained a humble lifestyle. Her frugality became evident when news broke out about her extravagant purchase—a Porsche with a price tag exceeding ten million yen. The local townsfolk were intrigued by this sudden change in her spending habits and wondered how Kokono managed to afford such a luxury.

It turned out that Kokono had placed an order for the car a year in advance. The waiting list for this high-end vehicle was impossibly long, but she patiently waited to receive her precious possession. The people of Hinamizawa were astounded by her ability to plan and wait for something she desired, which was an unexpected characteristic for them.

Although Kokono was no longer participating in tournaments, she still found ways to entertain herself with rounds of golf on an old, temperamental course in the outskirts of the town. Her passion for the sport surpassed the glitz and glamour associated with her former life.

As the months passed by, and the delivery date of her Porsche grew closer, rumors began to circulate about the financial implications of Kokono’s purchase. Some speculated that her wealth would diminish significantly after such a lavish expense. However, when asked about her financial situation, Kokono simply smiled and said, “Money doesn’t decrease; it multiplies.”

One sunny day, Kokono received a phone call notifying her of the arrival of her long-awaited Porsche. She rushed to the dealership and found herself amid a crowd cheering for her, celebrating her newfound wealth. Kokono, always the stoic and graceful individual, beamed with a mix of surprise and satisfaction.

And so, the retired golfer Kokono Kawai drove off into the sunset in her gleaming black Porsche, leaving the town of Hinamizawa in awe and wonder. Her unexpected fortune proved that sometimes, even the most unconventional of individuals receive rewards beyond their imagination.

■この小説のちくわ様自己採点 感動的:7 笑える:2 悲しい:0 夢がある:8 怖さ:0. 合計点:17

元賞金女王の古閑美保、“1000万円超え”のポルシェが1年待ちで納車 引退後の懐事情も告白「お金は減らない」|ねとらぼ

